Korean Grammar Beginner -Particles- (20): N마다

I. Examples

마다 is a particle added to time-related nouns, indicating the recurrence of similar situations or behaviors over a specific period. It can be translated to English as ‘every’ or ‘once every.’ Additionally, 마다 can signify ‘every one’ or ‘all’ of something without exception. It attaches directly to the noun being referred to. In this aspect, it approximates to ‘every’ or ‘all’ in English.

<Example 1>

  • 잭키는 일요일마다 자전거를 타요.
    (Jackie rides a bike every Sunday.)

<Example 2>

  • 인천 급행 열차는 한 시간마다 있어요.
    (The Incheon express train runs every hour.)

<Example 3>

  • 카페마다 커피맛이 달라요.
    (Every cafe provides different taste of coffee.)

II. Grammar Point

1. After Time Nouns

  • 저는 두달마다 이발을 해요.
    (I get a haircut every two months.)
  • 서울 2호선은 2분마다 지하철이 와요.
    (Subway Line 2 in Seoul comes every two minutes.)

2. All or Every One of Something

  • 그 도서관은 월요일마다 닫아요.
    (The library closes every Monday.)
  • 여의도 점심시간에는 식당마다 사람들로 가득해요.
    (During lunchtime in Yeouido,
    every restaurant is filled with people.)

3. 매일, 매주, 매월/매달, 매년

  • 마다 = 매일 (every day, daily)
  • 일주일마다 = 매주 (every week)
  • 마다 = 매달 = 매월 (every month)
  • 마다 = 매년 (every year)

4. 집집마다 instead of 집마다

When referring to the word 집 (house), 집집마다 is utilized for added emphasis, rather than just 집마다. 집집마다 is a kind of emphasis expression. It is used to give stronger emphasis than 집마다, implying “each and every house” one by one.

  • 집집마다 상비약이 필요합니다.
    (Every single house needs to have a first-aid kit.)

III. Practice

  • 레아는 방학___ 고향에 가요.
  • 나라___ 빅맥(Big Mac) 가격이 달라요.
  • 토요일___ 외식을 해요.

IV. See More

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