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Korean Grammar Beginner -Particles- (20): N마다

I. Examples

마다 is a particle added to time-related nouns, indicating the recurrence of similar situations or behaviors over a specific period. It can be translated to English as ‘every’ or ‘once every.’ Additionally, 마다 can signify ‘every one’ or ‘all’ of something without exception. It attaches directly to the noun being referred to. In this aspect, it approximates to ‘every’ or ‘all’ in English.

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II. Grammar Point

1. After Time Nouns

2. All or Every One of Something

3. 매일, 매주, 매월/매달, 매년

4. 집집마다 instead of 집마다

When referring to the word 집 (house), 집집마다 is utilized for added emphasis, rather than just 집마다. 집집마다 is a kind of emphasis expression. It is used to give stronger emphasis than 집마다, implying “each and every house” one by one.

III. Practice

IV. See More

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