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Korean Grammar Beginner -Particles- (14): N(으)로

I. Examples

(으)로 is used when expressing a direction or means. It equivalent to ‘to’ or ‘toward’ / ‘by’ or ‘with/using’ and ‘from’ in English. Use “로” when the noun ends in a vowel or ㄹ, and use “으로” when it ends in a consonant.

<Example 1>

<Example 2>

<Example 3>

<Example 4>

II. Grammar Point

1. Expressing a Direction

A. (으)로

(으)로 indicates a direction towards a place. It can be translated as ‘to’ or ‘toward’ in English. When the preceding noun ends in a vowel or ㄹ, 로 is used, while when the noun ends in a consonant, 으로 is used.

B. (으)로 가다 vs 에 가다

When ‘(으)로’ is used to indicate direction, it is mostly accompanied by the verb ‘가다’ (to go). However, there is also the directional particle ‘에’, which is often used with ‘가다’. (으)로 가다 indicates moving in a specific direction, with emphasis on the direction itself.
Conversely, 에 가다 emphasizes the destination, solely expressing the endpoint without conveying a sense of direction.

<오른쪽 / 동쪽 가세요. (?)>

Grammar-wise, the above usage is wrong. Therefore, when taking TOPIK or any Korean language-related exams, bear in mind that such usage is not considered correct. However, in spoken language, be aware that people sometimes use it without much thought. Just keep this in mind as a point of reference.

2. Expressing Means

(으)로 also indicates when expressing means of transport, other means, tools and materials used to make something. In this case, (으)로  can be translated as ‘by’ or ‘with/using’ and ‘from’ in English.

A. (으)로

B. -아/어서

Meanwhile, when representing a means of transport with a verb instead of a noun, -아/어서 is added to the verb. Examples include 걷다(walk) –> 걸어서(by foot), 달리다(run) –> 달려서(by running), 운전하다(drive) –> 운전해서(by driving), 수영하다(swim) –> 수영해서(by swimming).

III. Practice

IV. See More

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