Korean Grammar Beginner -Particles- (1): N이/가

I. Examples

이/가 is a subject marker attached to a noun, making the noun function as the subject of the sentence. When a noun ends in a vowel, 가 is used, and when it ends in a consonant, 이 is used. Depending on the context, 이/가 can also be used to emphasize the subject itself.

<Example 1>

  • 날씨 좋아요. (The weather is fine.)

<Example 2>

  • 옛날옛적에 공주 살았어요.
    (Once upon a time, there lived a princess.)

II. Grammar Point

1. Ending in Vowel + 가 / Ending in Consonant + 이

A. Vowel

  • 친구 바빠요.
    (My friend is busy.)
  • 학교 가까워요.
    (The school is nearby.)
  • 커피 너무 뜨거워요.
    (The coffee is too hot.)

B. Consonant

  • 넓어요.
    (The room is spacious.)
  • 동생 지금 자고 있어요.
    (My younger sibling is sleeping right now.)
  • 키가 거요.
    (Sam is tall.)

2. Subject Marker

  • 브라이언 빵을 먹어요. (Brian eats bread)
  • 우유 비싸요. (The milk is expensive)

3. Emphasizing the Preceding Subject

  • 누가 디저트 준비할 거에요?
    (Who is going to prepare the dessert?)
    준호 디저트 준비할 거에요.
    (Junho will do it.)
    –> Junho, not anybody else, will do it.
  • 누가 안 왔어요?
    (Who is not here yet?)
    레아랑 지수 안 왔어요.
    (Lea and Jisoo are not here yet.)
    –> Everyone is here ,except Lea and Jisoo.

4. When Introducing a New Topic

  • 옛날에 한 가족 살았어요.
    (Once upon a time, there lived a family
  • 저기 지수 와요.
    (There, Jisoo is coming this way.)

5. 나 / 저 / 누가

<나 + 가 –> 내가>

  • 내가 제이슨이에요. (I am Jason.)
  • 나가 제이슨이에요. (X)

<저 + 가 –> 제가>

  • 제가 할게요. (I will do it.)
  • 저가 할게요. (X)

<누구 + 가 –> 누가>

  • 누가 청소할래요? (Who will clean up?)
  • 누구가 청소할래요? (X)

III. Practice

  • 날씨___ 더워요.
  • 김밥___ 맛있어요.
  • 영화___ 재미없어요.
  • 꽃___ 예뻐요.

IV. See More


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