Korean Grammar Beginner -Particles- (17): N쯤

I. Examples

쯤 is used in Korean with nouns that refer to numbers, quantities, or time to convey an approximate value, much like the English expressions ‘about’ or ‘around’. It helps to indicate an estimation rather than an exact figure.

<Example 1>

  • 그날 파티에 사람들 100명 왔어요.
    (On that day, about 100 people came to the party.)

<Example 2>

  • 서울역에 오후 세 시 도착했어요.
    (I arrived at Seoul Station around 3 p.m.)

<Example 3>

  • 요즘 망고 하나가 15,000원 해요.
    (These days, one Shine Muscat grape
    costs about 15,000 won.)

II. Grammar Point

1. When Referring Prices, N쯤 하다 > N쯤이다

  • 요즘, 수박 얼마쯤 해요?
    (These days, how much does a watermelon cost?.)
    하나에 만원쯤 해요.
    (It costs about 10,000 won for one.)
  • 축구 경기 표 얼마쯤 해요?
    (How much is a soccer game ticket?)
    한 장에 만오천원쯤 해요.
    (It costs about 15,000 won for one ticket.)

III. Practice

  • 오늘 아침 6시___ 일어났어요.
  • 부산에서 서울까지 KTX로 3시간___ 걸려요.
  • 요즘 수박 가격이 하나에 만원___ 해요.

IV. See More

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