Korean Grammar Beginner -Tenses- (6): Past Perfect A/V -았/었었어요

I. Examples

When expressing a situation or a state that happened in the past but is not continuing into the present, “-았었어요” is added to the stems of verbs and adjectives with stems ending in the vowel ㅏ or ㅗ. Otherwise, -었었어요 is added. -았/었어요 is equivalent to “did/had (in the past)” in English.

<Example 1>

  • 미국에 갔었어요. (I have been to the U.S)
  • = not in the U.S now

<Example 2>

  • 프랑스에서 살았었어요. (I (have) lived in La France.)
  • = not in La France now

<Example 3>

  • 그는 말랐었어요. (He was skinny.)
  • = not skinny now

II. Grammar Point

1. Ending in Vowel ㅏ or ㅗ –> -았었어요

  • 살다(live) + -았었어요 –> 살았었어요
  • 가다(go) + -았었어요 –> 갔었어요
  • 배우다(learn) + -았었어요 –> 배웠었어요
  • 많다(many) + -았었어요 –> 많았었어요

2. Ending in Vowel Other Thanㅏ or ㅗ –> -었었어요

  • 길다(long) + -었었어요 –> 길었었어요
  • 먹다(eat) + -었었어요 –> 먹었었어요
  • 읽다(read) + -었었어요 –> 읽었었어요
  • 적다(few, not many) + -었었어요 –> 적었었어요
  • 듣다(listen) –> 었었어요 * irregular form
  • 어렵다(difficult) –> 어려었어요 * irregular form

3. Verb Ending in 하다 –> -했었어요

  • 공부하다(study) –> 공부했었어요
  • 일하다(work) –> 일했었어요
  • 친절하다(kind) –> 친절했었어요

4. 았었어요 or 었었어요 VS 았어요 or 었어요

았었어요 or 었었어요 expresses a past occurrence that does not continue to the present. 았어요/었어요, on the other hand, expresses something that simply occurred in the past or an action or situation that ended in the past.

A. Example 1

  • 브라이언씨는 작년에 한국에 왔었어요.
    Brian came to Korea and left later,
    and he is not in Korea now.


  • 브라이언씨는 작년에 한국에 왔어요.
    Brian may still be in Korea but
    not certain whether still in Korea now

B. Example 2

  • 브라이언씨는 한국에 1년동안 살었어요.
    Brian once lived in Korea for a year,
    and now he does not live in Korea


  • 브라이언씨는 한국에 1년동안 살어요.
    Brian lived in Korea for a year but
    not certain where he lives now.
    (maybe the fact that he still lives in Korea
    is not known to the speaker)

III. Practice

  • 그녀는 ___ (키가 작다)
  • 그녀는 ___ (머리가 길다)
  • 그는 ___ (고기를 안 먹다)

IV. See More

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