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Korean Grammar Beginner -Tenses- (2): Present A/V-아/어요

I. Examples

The Korean present tense of the informal polite style is made by adding -아/어요. When compared to the formal polite style “-(스)ㅂ니다”, “-아/어요” is softer and mainly used among close acquaintances. The interrogative and declarative forms are the same. When spoken, however, in declarative sentences, the tone is lowered at the end of the sentence, whereas in interrogative sentences, the tone is raised at the end.

<Example 1>

<Example 2>

II. Grammar Point

1. -아요 (ㅏ or ㅗ)

In principle, 아요 is used when the vowel part of the word stem ends in ㅏ or ㅗ. a) -아요 is used when the word stem ends in a consonant. b) If the word stem ends in ㅏ, one ㅏ is deleted. c) If the word stem ends in a vowel other than ㅏ, the contraction betwen vowels can occur.

A. a) = 앉다 (sit) / 받다 (receive)

  1. word stem = 앉 / 받 (vowel part = ㅏ)
  2. 앉다 & 받다 stem ends in a consonant
  3. 앉 + 아요 = 앉아요. / 받 + 아요 = 받아요.

B. b) = 가다 (go) / 만나다 (meet)

  1. word stem = 가 / 만나
  2. 가다 & 만나다 stem ends in ㅏ
  3. 가 + 요 = 가요 / 만나 + 요 = 만나요

C. c) = 오다 (come) / 보다 (see, watch)

  1. word stem = 오 / 보
  2. 오다 & 보다 stem ends in a vowel other than ㅏ
  3. 오 + 아요 = 와요 / 보 +아요 = 봐요

2. -어요 (other than ㅏ or ㅗ)

In principle, 어요 is used when the vowel part of the word stem ends in other thanㅏ or ㅗ. This is a different from -아요. a) -어요 is used when the word stem ends in a consonant. b) If the word stem ends in ㅐ,ㅓ or ㅕ, then the 어 of -어요 is deleted. c) If the word stem ends in ㅜ, ㅜ + 어요 becomes ㅝ요. d) when the word stem ends inㅣ, ㅣ + 어요 becomes ㅕ요.

A. a) = 읽다 (sit) / 먹다 (eat)

  1. word stem = 읽 / 먹 (vowel part = ㅣ / ㅓ)
  2. 읽다 & 먹다 stem ends in a consonant
  3. 읽 + 어요 = 읽어요. / 먹 + 어요 = 먹어요.

B. b) = 보내다 (send, let it go) / 서다 (stand)

  1. word stem = 보내 / 서
  2. 보내다 & 서다 stem ends in ㅐ,ㅓ or ㅕ
  3. 보내+ 요 = 보내요. / 서 + 요 = 서요.

C. c) = 배우다 (learn) / 주다 (give)

  1. word stem = 배우 / 주
  2. 배우다 & 주다 stem ends in ㅜ
  3. 배우 + 어요 = 배워요. / 주 + 어요 = 줘요.

D. d) = 마시다 (drink) / 기다리다 (wait)

  1. word stem = 마시 / 기다리
  2. 마시다 & 기다리다 stem ends in ㅣ
  3. 마시 + 어요 = 마셔요. / 기다리 + 요 = 기다려요.

3. 하다 –> 해요

When the predicate ends in 하다, 하다 becomes 해요. In principle, -여요 is added to 하. Thus, the original form is 하여요, which is practically not used these days. In any event, 하여요 is again shortened to 해요.

4. 이다 –> 에요 / 이에요

<When the Preceding Word Ends in a Vowel>

<When the Preceding Word Ends in a Consonant>

5. Characteristic of Korean Present Tense

In Korean, apart from the present tense, the present tense forms include present progressive tense and a future tense if it is certain that a future event will occur. Thus, present tense forms embraces present, progressive, near future. Moreover, present tense is also used to describe general truth or regular events.



<Near Future>

<General Truth>

<Regular Events>

III. Practice

IV. See More

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