Table of Contents
I. Examples
<Example 1>
- 제이슨이 한국에 와요.
(Jason is coming to Korea)
<Example 2>
- 소파 위에 강아지가 있어요.
(The dog is on the sofa.)
II. Grammar Point
1. ‘to’ in English
Firstly, 에 corresponds to ‘to’ in English. Thus, 에 is mainly used with the verbs such as 가다(go), 오다(come), 도착하다(arrive), 올라가다(go up),내려가다(go down), 돌아가다(return), 다니다(attend/commute).
- 매일 카페에 가요.
(“I go to the cafe everyday.)
- 다음주 고향에 돌아가요.
(I go back to my hometown next week.)
- 교회에 다녀요.
(I go to church.)
2. ‘in’ or ‘on’ in English
Secondly, 에 corresponds to ‘in’ or ‘on’ in English. In this case, 에 is mainly used with 있다(to be) or 없다(not to be) to express the location of a person or things.
- 축구공은 지금 집에 없어요.
(The soccer ball is not at home right now.)
- 전화기는 탁자위에 있어요.
(The telephone is on the table.)
III. Practice
- 윤희는 요즘 회사___ 다녀요.
- 동생은 지금 운동장___ 있어요.