Korean Grammar Beginner -Particles- (3): N을/를
Table of Contents
I. Examples
을/를 is a object marker attached to a noun, making the noun function as the object of the sentence in Korean. When a noun ends in a vowel, 를 is used, and when it ends in a consonant, 을 is used. In colloquial speech, however, 을/를 is sometimes omitted.
<Example 1>
- 레아가 영화를 봐요. (Lea watches a movie.)
<Example 2>
- 아버지가 신문을 읽어요. (Dad read the newspaper.)
<Example 3>
- 매일 아침에 커피를 마셔요.
((I) drink coffee every morning.)
II. Grammar Point
1. Ending in Vowel + 를 / Ending in Consonant + 을
- 영화를 봐요 / 신문을 봐요
- 친구를 만나요 / 선생님을 만나요
- 구두를 사요 / 옷을 사요
- 노래를 들어요 / 음악을 들어요
2. N을/를 하다 –> N하다
In most Korean verbs of the form ‘N하다’, N is the object. For example, 공부하다 originally comes from 공부를 하다, 수영하다’ from ‘수영을 하다’, and ‘운동하다’ from ‘운동을 하다’. That is, the form becomes shortened to a sing one-word form. Note that 좋아하다(like) & ‘싫어하다(dislike)’ are the one-word verb, and 좋아- and 싫어- are not nouns.
3. 뭐 해요?
- The question noun 무엇(what) –> 무어 –> 뭐
- 무엇을 해요?
–> 뭐를 해요?
–> 뭘 해요?
–> 뭐 해요?
(What are you doing?)
III. Practice
- 노래___ 불러요.
- 한국어___ 배우고 있어요.
- 마이클은 녹차___ 마셔요.
- 물건___ 사요.