Male Korean Name Top 100 Registered : 2008 ~ 2023
Below is the list of the top 100 male Korean names registered from 2008 to 2023. Occasionally, there are online interpretations of Korean names, but most of them are incorrect. Even if the Chinese characters (Hanja) are different, the Korean spelling can be the same in some cases. For example, even if a name is spelled “성민” (Seongmin), they do not all have the same meaning.
The character “성” can have various meanings depending on the Hanja used, such as sincere (誠), clear (省), shining (瑆), intelligent (惺), and more. There could be over 100 different meanings associated with the character “성” used in names. Additionally, many online sources often provide only one meaning for Korean names, which is often incorrect. For example, in the name “성민” (Seongmin), the character “민” can also have meanings like sky, jade, clever, and agile, among others.
The “ㅜ” symbol is romanized as “u” when it appears as the initial letter and as “oo” when it appears as the final letter. For example, for the name “주” (Ju/Joo), when it is the initial character, it is romanized as “Ju,” and when it is the final character, it is romanized as “Joo.” However, if you haven’t learned Korean yet, I recommend investing 1 to 2 hours to master the Korean alphabet (Hangul) instead of relying solely on romanization.
No. of Registrations
민준 (Min-joon) | 1 | 39,408 |
서준 (Seo-joon) | 2 | 37,786 |
도윤 (Do-yoon) | 3 | 30,984 |
예준 (Ye-joon) | 4 | 30,060 |
시우 (Si-woo) | 5 | 28,498 |
하준 (Ha-joon) | 6 | 27,199 |
주원 (Ju-won) | 7 | 26,665 |
지호 (Ji-ho) | 8 | 26,130 |
지후 (Ji-hoo) | 9 | 23,328 |
준우 (Jun-woo) | 10 | 22,908 |
준서 (Jun-seo) | 11 | 22,392 |
건우 (Gun-woo) | 12 | 21,532 |
도현 (Do-Hyeon) | 13 | 21,468 |
현우 (Hyeon-woo) | 14 | 21,215 |
지훈 (Ji-hoon) | 15 | 20,652 |
우진 (Woo-jin) | 16 | 20,313 |
선우 (Sun-woo) | 17 | 18,840 |
서진 (Seo-jin) | 18 | 17,420 |
유준 (Yoo-joon) | 19 | 17,189 |
연우 (Yeon-woo) | 20 | 17,089 |
민재 (Min-jae) | 21 | 16,606 |
현준 (Hyeon-joon) | 22 | 16,430 |
은우 (Eun-woo) | 23 | 15,958 |
정우 (Jeong-woo) | 24 | 14,781 |
시윤 (Si-yoon) | 25 | 13,992 |
승우 (Seung-woo) | 26 | 13,599 |
승현 (Seung-hyeon) | 27 | 13,551 |
준혁 (Jun-hyeok) | 28 | 13,431 |
지환 (Ji-hwan) | 29 | 13,404 |
윤우 (Yoon-woo) | 30 | 12,523 |
승민 (Seong-min) | 31 | 12,438 |
유찬 (Yoo-chan) | 32 | 12,391 |
지우 (Ji-woo) | 33 | 12,380 |
이준 (Yi-joon) | 34 | 12,324 |
민성 (Min-sung) | 35 | 11,801 |
준영 (Jun-young) | 36 | 11,483 |
시후 (Si-hoo) | 37 | 11,422 |
진우 (Jin-woo) | 38 | 11,322 |
수호 (Su-ho) | 39 | 11,079 |
지원 (Ji-wom) | 40 | 11,033 |
수현 (Soo-hyeon) | 41 | 10,895 |
재윤 (Jae-yoon) | 42 | 9,489 |
시현 (Si-hyeon) | 43 | 9,427 |
동현 (Dong-hyeon) | 44 | 9,393 |
태윤 (Tae-yoon) | 45 | 9,171 |
이안 (Ian) | 46 | 9,154 |
민규 (Min-kyu) | 47 | 9,029 |
한결 (Han-kyeol) | 48 | 8,904 |
재원 (Jae-won) | 49 | 8,877 |
민우 (Min-woo) | 50 | 8,845 |
재민 (Jae-min) | 51 | 8,685 |
은찬 (Eun-chan) | 52 | 8,680 |
윤호 (Yoon-ho) | 53 | 8,620 |
시원 (Si-won) | 54 | 8,593 |
민찬 (Min-chan) | 55 | 8,356 |
지안 (Ji-an) | 56 | 8,132 |
시온 (Si-on) | 57 | 7,886 |
성민 (Sung-min) | 58 | 7,852 |
준호 (Jun-ho) | 59 | 7,727 |
승준 (Seung-joon) | 60 | 7,702 |
성현 (Sung-hyun) | 61 | 7,667 |
현서 (Hyun-seo) | 62 | 7,502 |
재현 (Jae-Hyeon) | 63 | 7,434 |
하율 (Ha-Yool) | 64 | 7,363 |
지한 (Ji-han) | 65 | 7,332 |
우빈 (Woo-bin) | 66 | 7,289 |
태민 (Tae-min) | 67 | 7,251 |
지성 (Ji-sung) | 68 | 7,249 |
예성 (Ye-sung) | 69 | 7,219 |
민호 (Min-ho) | 70 | 7,183 |
태현 (Tae-hyeon) | 71 | 7,173 |
지율 (Ji-yool) | 72 | 7,149 |
서우 (Seo-woo) | 73 | 7,143 |
민혁 (Min-hyeoko) | 74 | 7,103 |
은호 (Eun-ho) | 75 | 6,915 |
성준 (Sung-joon) | 76 | 6,895 |
규민 (Kyu-min) | 77 | 6,766 |
정민 (Jung-min) | 78 | 6,738 |
준 (Jun) | 79 | 6,707 |
지민 (Ji-min) | 80 | 6,696 |
윤성 (Yoon-sung) | 81 | 6,671 |
율 (Yul) | 82 | 6,563 |
윤재 (Yoon-jae) | 83 | 6,539 |
우주 (Woo-joo) | 84 | 6,420 |
하람 (Ha-ram) | 85 | 6,394 |
하진 (Ha-jin) | 86 | 6,393 |
민석 (Min-seok) | 87 | 6,356 |
준수 (Jun-soo) | 88 | 6,349 |
은성 (Eun-sung) | 89 | 6,296 |
태양 (Tae-yang) | 90 | 6,271 |
예찬 (Ye-chan) | 91 | 6,247 |
준희 (Jun-hee) | 92 | 6,105 |
도훈 (Do-hoon) | 93 | 5,958 |
하민 (Ha-min) | 94 | 5,836 |
준성 (Jun-sung) | 95 | 5,688 |
건 (Gun) | 96 | 5,673 |
지완 (Ji-wan) | 97 | 5,610 |
현수 (Hyeon-soo) | 98 | 5,603 |
승원 (Seung-won) | 99 | 5,565 |
강민 (Kang-min) | 100 | 5,540 |