Korean Grammar Intermediate -Expressing Recollection- (1): – 던
Table of Contents
I. Examples
“-던” is used to recall repeated actions or habits from the past. Therefore, it indicates actions that were repeated or performed in the past but are no longer ongoing in the present. There are further distinctions in its usage. Before providing additional explanations, let me show you a few simple example sentences first.”
- 우리가족이 종종 가던 식당이 저기 있네.
- ↑ The restaurant our family often visited is over there.
- 저기는 내가 공부하러 자주 갔던 카페에요.
- ↑ Over there is the café I used to study at frequently.
- 윗집에 살던 사람은 어제 이사갔어요.
- ↑The person who used to live upstairs moved out yesterday.
II. Grammar Point
1. V + “-던”
- 가던 (used to go)
- 입던 (used to wear)
2. Pattern 1
- used to do something frequently in the past, but not anymore
- expression indicating repetition
- 여러번
- 자주
- 가끔
- 항상
- 자주 가던 카페
- ↑the cafe that I used to frequently
- –> used to go often but not visiting anymore
3. Pattern 2
- an ongoing task that started in the past but has not finished
- a specific point or time in the past
- 어제
- 아까
- 저번에
- 지난달/주
- 아까 마시던 커피
- ↑the coffee I was drinking a while ago
- –> not finished drinking the coffee
4. Indicating Something That Has Been Used
- 이 자동차는 삼촌이 타시던 거에요.
- ↑This car is what my uncle used to drive.
- 이건 내가 입던 옷인데, 이제 작아요.
- ↑These are what I used to wear, but now they are small.
5. Not Used for Things That Do Not Repeat.
- 그가 결혼하던 곳 (X)
- ↑the place where he used to get married
- 그가 결혼한 곳 (O)
- ↑the place where he got married
6. VS -든
Due to the similarity in pronunciation, Koreans often confuse “-던” and “-든” when writing. You will easily find incorrect usage of “-던” and “-든” on Korean websites. For those of you learning Korean, it would be great to be well aware of the correct forms and meanings, so you can politely point out any Korean mistakes made by Koreans and help them improve their usage! 😀
III. Practice
- ___ 드라마 (재미있게 보다)
- 조금 전 ___ 열쇠가 여기 있네. (철수가 찾다)
- ___ 신문 못 봤어요? (여기 있다)