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Korean Grammar Beginner -Time Expressions- (1): N 전에, V-기 전

I. Examples

N 전에, V-기 전 indicates an action or event occurring ‘prior to a specific time or action’. It can be translated as ‘before’ or ‘ago’ in English. It is employed in constructions like ‘Time 전에’, ‘Noun 전에’, and ‘Verb -기 전에’ within a sentence.

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II. Grammar Point

1. 하다 Verbs vs Others

‘Noun 전에’ is primarily used with nouns that can be turned into verbs by adding 하다. Due to this, you can attach -기 전에 to the corresponding verb stem to convey the same meaning. (For example, 식사 전에 can be understood as 식사하기 전에).

That being said, even among 하다 verbs, there are cases where the form ‘Noun 전에’ is technically correct but rarely used. For instance, while ‘노래 전에’ or ‘공부 전에’ is grammatically valid, it sounds a bit awkward and is not commonly used in practice especially if the ACT of singing or studying is presupposed…. Meanwhile, when it comes to verbs other than 하다 verbs, only -기 전에 is applicable. (오다 전에 (X) –> 오기 전에 (O))

2. Verb Stem Form

In the form of ‘-기 전에’, the verb takes the verb stem. Thus, for instance, “마시기 전에” is correct, while “마셨기 전에” or “마셨을 것이기 전에” are incorrect forms. Therefore, even if the action denoted by the verb in ‘-기’ form happened in the past, you cannot use the past tense before ‘-기 전에’. For example, in the sentence “그는 도쿄에 오기 전에 홍콩에서 살았다(Before coming to Tokyo, he lived in Hong Kong.)”, even though the action of coming to Paris is in the past, only the verb stem is modified.

3. Time + 전에

III. Practice

IV. See More

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