BewhY – Celebration (2021) : Learn Korean Through Songs
Mnet’s “Show Me the Money 5” winner, BewhY, is a rapper known for his unique pronunciation, distinct flow that includes breaks, sophisticated gestures, and lyrics often related to Christianity. Initially, he used the stage name “BY,” which stands for his initials, (Lee) Byung-yoon. However, he eventually changed his stage name to BewhY, which reflects his intention to become a reason for action.
The song “Celebration,” released in 2021, truly showcases BewhY’s unique musical style and how he can make Korean lyrics sound so unique, hip, and sophisticated. The song features a fast rap section in the middle. Keep in mind that even Korean listeners may have to read the lyrics to understand this part, so do not be discouraged if you find it hard to catch.
I. Lyric
<Verse 1>
(1)찰떡이네 outfit
자! 자랑해 아무한테
손가락에 자몽 색깔을 띄는 Cartier
파란 하늘과의 조합
(1)까리해 꽤,
아마 어제보다 더
구백 아흔 아홉 배,
정도 거기에 하나 더 해
난 마치 활주로에서 출발할 때
대한항공의 것과
아시아나 비행기 같이
(2)껄렁대며 걸으니
쟤네는 (3)훑었어
래퍼 (3)처음 보냐 (2)쉐꺄
사실 난 즐겼어
그녀의 모든 게 내 영감이 돼
아주 영광이네 아름다운 날에
내 기분 들켰어
인천에서 도쿄 그리고 캘리
무작정 와버렸어 어쩌다 보니 이태리
어디 가고 싶어? 물어 또 괜히
마스크 없으니 너무 좋잖아
꽤나 (1)업된(=”들떴어”) 나 지금이, celebration
너와의 하루가 celebrate
꽤나 업 된 나 지금이, celebration
내 옆에 너가 있어 해가 짧아져
Celebrate, celebrate, celebration
Celebrate, celebrate, celebration
Celebrate, celebrate, celebration
Celebrate, celebrate, celeb-
<Verse 2>
사실 outfit, ring 빼고 (4)보세와 Zara (5)풀착장
불특정 소수는 착장 가격 수백으로 측정
평범해도 특별한 그녀 옆에서 난
뒷모습 쫓지 않고 늘 보여줘
우선 보여 새 움직임을
다소 어설픈 애들 모여서
오늘 나에 대해 또 이어 (4)썰풀어
오른손 왼손이 만나
박수로 오는 소리 때문에
바닥과 조우는 없어
오고 간 길에
오로지 내 색깔로 막 칠해
확신과 실패는 반비례
믿을수록 뒤를 따라오지
내게 다가오는 미래
그냥 걱정 없이 맞이하자
알아서 해결될 거야 다
남은 스케줄 인생이(1)건 여행이건
너와의 매일은 celebration
1. 들떴다
The base form of “들떴다” is “들뜨다,” and the basic image of the word “들뜨다” is something rising upwards. The focus is on the word “뜨다.” The word “들뜨다” is most commonly used in the following cases: 1. mood or feeling, 2. connected parts, 3. related to facial makeup.
Therefore, 1. when the mood rises upwards, it signifies an excited and enthusiastic situation or state, and 2. when connected parts rise up, it indicates that there is a gap or opening, often referring to something attached to a solid surface, and 3. when makeup on the face rises, it implies that there is difficulty in applying makeup due to dry or uneven skin texture.
A. Usage
- “뉴요커도 들떴다“… ‘갤폴드4’ 타임스퀘어 한복판에 등판
- ↑”Even New Yorkers got excited”… ‘Galaxy Fold 4’ made an appearance in Times Square.
- 장판이 들뜨다
- ↑The floorboard is lifted.
- 오늘은 화장이 자꾸 들뜬다
- ↑Today, my makeup keeps coming off.
B. In the Song
In the song, the first meaning is used. Therefore, the current state of mind is depicted as being lifted and excited, much like the takeoff of Korean Air and Asiana airplanes, expressing anticipation and excitement.
C. 업되다
In the chorus part, there’s an expression “꽤나 업된 나,” where the term “업되다” has a similar meaning to “들뜨다.” “업되다” means to be “(기분이) up되다”. Thus, “업되다” can be explained as ‘to have one’s mood become up’. In other words, “꽤나 up된 나” conveys the idea of feeling really good or uplifted in the current moment.
2. 껄렁대다 = 껄렁거리다
The literal meaning of “껄렁대다” is to behave impolitely in a way that makes one appear unreliable. The word “껄렁대다” brings to mind an image of a person’s body swaying up and down weightlessly. In other words, it means to act flippant or unserious.
A. Usage
- 철수는 선생님 앞에서 껄렁대다가 혼이 났다.
- ↑Cheolsu was being cheeky in front of the teacher and got scolded.
- 양아치들은 껄렁대다가 불리하면 약자인척 한다.
- ↑Hoodlums act tough and cheeky, but when faced adversity, they pretend to be weak.
B. In the Song
In the song, BewhY walks “껄렁대며”. Here, “껄렁대며 걷는다” can be translated as “he walks swaggeringly” without any negative connotation. Walking like that with an excited heart (들뜬 기분) signifies confidently striding and attracting attention from people around.
3. 훑었다
The word “훑다” can be imagined as something slowly moving up and down or going down and then up. Its literal definitions include: 1. to insert and firmly grasp something into a gap between attached objects to detach it, 2. to thoroughly clean and wash away something that is attached, 3. to explore or examine within a certain range by moving from one side.
A. Usage
- 미국 “중국 정찰풍선, 5개 대륙 훑었다“.
- ↑US: Chinese Reconnaissance Balloon Crosses Five Continents
- 엑스포 유치 교섭팀은 현재까지 이탈리아 제외하고 유럽을 거의 훑었다.
- ↑The Expo bid negotiation team has almost covered Europe, save Italy, up to the present.
- 경찰은 범인을 찾기 위해 주변 지역을 샅샅이 훑고 있다.
- ↑The police are thoroughly searching the surrounding area to find the culprit.
B. In the Song
In this song, the meaning of ‘훑다’ is in fact “훑어보다”, meaning “to glance over” or “to observe”. It implies that people looked BewhY up and down from head to toe as he walked swaggeringly. Although the word “보다” (to look) is omitted, in reality, this meaning is the most commonly used sense of “훑다”.
4. 보세
“보세” is a slang term referring to inexpensive clothing that may have good quality but lacks a brand name. It originated from the illegal export and sale of clothing made from materials under bonded warehousing, which were temporarily exempted from customs duties for export purposes. However, most Koreans are unaware of this origin. Generally, when people mention “보세”, they are referring to unbranded, affordable clothing or accessories.
5. 풀착장
“풀착장” is a term made up of “풀” (full) and “착장” (attire/outfit). “착장” means to attach or equip something to clothing, equipment, etc. In this context, it refers to the state of being dressed or adorned with a complete and stylish outfit.
A. Usage
- BTS 정국, 세븐틴 민규와의 ‘세븐 챌린지’ …검·흰 착장에 썬글라스까지 풀착장
- ↑”BTS Jungkook, Seventeen’s Mingyu in ‘Seven Challenge’ … in black and white outfits, even with sunglasses”
- ‘나혼자산다’ 전현무, 니삭스+헤어밴드 풀착장…’무코비치’ 테니스 실력 공개
- ↑”‘I Live Alone’ Jeon Hyun-moo, Full Outfit with Knee High Socks and Hairband… Reveals Tennis Skills Like ‘Moo-kovic'”
B. In the Song
In the song, “풀착장” signifies being fully dressed in a stylish and complete manner. So, people thought that BewhY was wearing extremely stylish and expensive clothes, but in reality, he is singing about wearing Zara clothes from head to toe (Full 착장) in the song.
III. Idioms
1. 찰떡이네
“찰떡(찹쌀떡)” is a type of rice cake made from glutinous rice, which is commonly known as “mochi” in foreign countries. The most prominent characteristic of this food is its chewy texture. Therefore, in Korean language, the metaphor “찰떡(찹쌀떡)” is used to describe when two or more things fit together or complement each other very well.
A. Usage
- 찰떡 궁합
- ↑a perfect match” 또는 “a match made in heaven
- 찰떡 호흡 (= 호흡이 척척 맞다)
- ↑”perfect synergy” 또는 “perfect harmony”
- 찰떡이다
- ↑It fits well or is very appropriate for a certain situation or atmosphere.
B. In the Song
In the song, the phrase “찰떡이네” means that the outfit worn by BewhY perfectly complements BewhY himself. It signifies that the outfit and BewhY go together exceptionally well. So, then next, BewhY says, “Go ahead! Boast it to anyone!”
2. 금상첨화 = The Icing on the Cake
“금상첨화”, in a literal sense, refers to adding flowers on top of silk, metaphorically implying the addition of something good on top of an already good situation. Usually, the phrase “A에 B까지 더하면 금상첨화” is used. It conveys the idea that the combination of A and B creates something truly outstanding.
A. Usage
- 성격도 좋고 얼굴까지 잘생겼다니 금상첨화네.
- ↑ Having a good personality and being good looking as well, that’s the icing on the cake.
- 이 재킷은 값도 싸고 따뜻하기까지 해서 금상첨화야.
- ↑This jacket is affordable and warm, that’s the icing on the cake.
B. In the Song
In the song, BewhY expresses that the Cartier accessory with the color of grapefruit on his fingers, harmonizing well with the blue sky, is a perfect combination, and he describes this situation as a “금상첨화” moment.
3. 처음보냐
The literal interpretation of “처음보냐” is “Is this your first time seeing it?”. However, this expression is most commonly used in situations where someone is making a fuss over something trivial or ordinary, like when someone is acting surprised about seeing something simple and also when someone is staring at something or someone for no apparent reason, like when someone is staring intently.
A. Usage
- 노트북 처음보냐?
- ↑ Are you acting like you have never seen a laptop before?
- 경찰 처음보냐?
- ↑ Are you staring at me like you have never seen a police officer before?
B. In the Song
In this song, BewhY is seen swaggering as he walks, and the people around are giving him curious looks. In response to those who are observing him like that, BewhY playfully reacts with a statement like, “What’s up? Is it your first time seeing a rapper? Do you have any issues with me?”
4. 썰풀다
“썰” is a slang term for “설,” which means opinion, thought, or story. It is pronounced more forcefully than “설.” In this context, “풀다” means “to unleash” or “to release.” Imagine opening a pouch containing various stories and presenting each interesting story one by one to the other person. In short, In summary, “썰풀다” means sharing entertaining stories or anecdotes.
IV. Slang
1. 까리하다
“까리하다” is a term originating from the Gyeongsang Province dialect, and it means “cool” or “stylish.” It is a kind of slang commonly used among teenagers or 20s. It is used when something, like an object or item, has distinctive and cool features. An example sentence could be “오늘 니 신발 정말 까리한데?” (Your shoes look really cool today, huh?). A similar term to “까리하다” is “깔삼하다.”
2. 쉐꺄
“쉐꺄” is a shortened form of “새끼야”, which is a colloquial term in Korean. The basic meaning of “새끼” is a young animal born not long ago or a colloquial term for ‘child.’ It can also be used metaphorically to refer to a person in a somewhat derogatory or discriminatory manner, treating them like an animal. The term can carry connotations of discrimination or insult depending on the context.
However, it is most commonly used as a derogatory term to insult someone. For example, when two people who do not know each other get into an argument, they might say “야이 새끼야” (Hey, you!) to each other. Sometimes, close male friends might use it among themselves, particularly when offering support to a friend who is going through a tough time, saying “힘내, 새끼야” (Cheer up, buddy).